Exam III Review
Psychological Measurements
Chapter 13 Structured Personality Tests (self report but easy to administer)
Strategies of Personality-Test Construction logical content, theoretical (deductive); criterion-group, factor
analytic (empirical)
MMPI criterion group; used to assess psychiatric disorders
CPI criterion group; used to assess normal people
Edwards Personal Preference Schedule theoretical; forced-choice option; ipsative (relative) scores
Jackson Personality Inventory theoretical
Tennessee Self-Concept Scale
NEO-PI-R factor analytic (Neuroticism, Extroversion, Openness, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness)
Chapter 14 Projective Personality Tests (controversial and misunderstood)
Personality - definition
Rorschach (criticisms; comparison with TAT) Why the early success?
TAT (often interpreted qualitatively; comparison with Rorschach)
Southern Mississippi TAT up-to-date version of TAT; more rigorous scoring
Washington University Sentence Completion Task most psychometrically sound
Drawing tests (advantage: easy to use; criticism: tendency to over interpret data)
Chapter 15 Cognitive Behavioral and Computers
Cognitive Behavioral assessment
Self-report procedures easy to administer; Fear Survey Schedule
Kanfer and Saslows Functional approach analysis of behavioral excesses and deficits
Cognitive functional analysis focuses on self-talk and how that relates to behavior
Psychophysiological procedures
Use of computers in testing (practitioners often do not accept as viable means)
Internet procedures problems mitigated by large sample size
Chapter 16 Testing in Counseling Psychology
SVIB & SCII criticized for gender bias and lack of theory; developed into SII
KOIS Kuder Occupational Interest Survey; very good psychometric properties; gender unbiased; in addition
to suggesting occupations of interest, it also is designed to help students choose a major.
Osipows trait factor approach used factor analysis to find common traits characterizing occupations
Attribution Theory how people attempt to understand the causes of events in theirs and others lives
Chapter 17 Testing in Health Psychology and Health Care
Clinical neuropsychology detects impairments in CNS; cognitive, motor, sensory, & emotional
Pluripotentiality any one center in the brain can be involved in several functional systems
Components of psychological stress frustration, conflict, pressure
TAQ and TAS state vs. trait anxiety
Learning disability dyslexia
Psychophysiological procedures heart rate, blood pressure, GSR
Chapter 18 Testing in Industrial and Business Settings
Cutting score point of decision
Base rate (passing rate) & hit rate (% cases accurately predicted) - false negatives & false positives
Incremental validity unique information provided by test
MBTI Jungs typology; I-E, S-N, T-F, J-P
Social-Ecological approach person/environment relationship
Ecological psychology focuses on events in a behavioral setting
Mooss environmental classification system list and/or discuss 6 characteristics (ecological dimensions,
behavioral settings, organizational structure, characteristics of inhabitants, psychosocial and
organizational climate,
functional or reinforcing properties)