Personal Psychological Evaluation Assignment
Psychological Measurements
Assignment description:
Each student will self-administer (or be administered, in some cases) a battery of psychological tests. These tests will be scored, evaluated, and interpreted by the individual student. After doing so, each student will write a psychological evaluation of self, comparing and contrasting the results to better identify his/her potential as a person. Remember that the battery of tests should be considered comprehensively; too much emphasis on the results of any one individual test will yield disproportionately weighted results and incorrect interpretations. The purpose of this assignment is for you to learn more about yourself and God’s potential for you, as well as to help you better define your place in the world.
The report should be formatted according to the structure presented on the following page. Although you are not limited in the tests you choose to use in your evaluation (you may include additional tests if they seem pertinent), you are required to include the following six tests:
1. Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (K-BIT) (2nd ed.)
2. Tennessee Self-Concept Scale
3. Edwards Personal Preference Schedule
4. Meyer-Briggs Type Indicator
5. Career Direct
6. One other of your choice as it seems appropriate for your personal development
The Psychological Evaluation Assignment is worth 100 points and is due Friday, April 16, the next to the last Friday of class (not including finals week).
Age: (dob)
Date of Report:
Name of Examiner:
Referred by:
I. Referral Question: This section provides a brief description of the client and the reason for conducting the evaluation. For the purposes of this class, the reason for the evaluation, as stated in the syllabus, is “to better understand and take responsibility for the potential God had placed within you.”
II. Evaluation Procedures: In this section, list the tests that you are including in the battery and briefly describe them, but do not give your scores.
III. Behavioral Observations: A description of the client’s behaviors including observations related to his/her appearance, general behavior, and examiner-client interactions. Since you are writing about yourself, you can skip this section.
IV. Background Information: Describe aspects of your history that are relevant to the referral question and interpretation of test results. This should place the results in proper context.
V. Test Results: Simply list your scores for each of the tests you are including in the battery for this evaluation. (Do not, however, simply list raw scores.)
VI. Impressions and Interpretations: This is the main body of the report. Describe your interpretation of the test results in an integrated manner. In other words, along with discussing your understanding of the meaning of each test score, seek to compare and contrast the scores of all the relevant tests in order to arrive at some overall impressions of the data.
VII. Recommendation: This is the ultimate practical purpose of the report and should be stated in a clear, practical, obtainable manner that directly relates to the purpose of the report. For the purpose of this class, you may want to comment on what you have learned about yourself and how that relates to the choices you have made regarding college major and career. Do you recommend continuing on your current path, or would exploring other options be suggested?