Psychology of Learning

Exam III Review


Chapter 9 (18 questions)

Reasons people forget

Characteristics of sensory, short-term, and long-term memory

Repression theory

Fading theory

Interference theory

Mnemonic devices

Acrostic devices


Levels of processing – orthographic, phonological, and semantic

Characteristics of long-term memory

Explicit vs. implicit memories


Chapter 10 (20 questions)


Description of instincts


Maslow’s hierarchy

Drive reduction

Yerkes-Dodson Law

Strategies of cognitive dissonance

Attributional styles

Need for achievement

Locus of control

Self-efficacy and its 4 components

Seligman’s explanatory styles

Arousal theory

Expectancy-Value theory and its 4 components


Chapter 11 (12 questions)


Social Cognitive Theory

Processes of observational learning (attentional, retentional, motor reproduction, and motivational)


Behavioral control systems

Agentic perspective and major components (intentionality, forethought, and self-reflection)

The role of self-efficacy

Inhibitory and disinhibitory effects

Direct and vicarious reinforcement
