Chapter 3
The Effects of Behavior: Thorndike and Hull
There is no easily demonstrated, high level reasoning among
cats… or monkeys.
There appears to be no real imitation, based on understanding and ideas, among
Behavior is instinctual or learned through associations that have previously had
satisfying consequences.
Animals and humans learn through trial and error, making a number of responses,
one or more of which leads to a solution or “a satisfying state of affairs.”
Continguity vs. Reinforcement
contiguity = an association is formed between stimuli, or between stimuli and
responses, because they are presented in close temporal proximity.
Pavlov, Watson, and Guthrie used contiguity to explain learning
reinforcement = learning occurs because of consequences of behavior, or that it
leads to pleasant consequences, the elimination of something unpleasant, or
Thorndike believed that contiguity was only part of the story and that
reinforcement was the rest.
Thorndike’s Pre-1930s theory: Emphasis on practice
Believed statements about consciousness are uncertain and difficult
Emphasized experimentation rather than introspection
Learning consists of the formation of bonds between stimuli and responses
Learning involves stamping in of stimulus-response (S-R) connections
Forgetting involves stamping out of connections.
Law of Exercise
Law of exercise: bonds between stimuli and responses are strengthened through
being exercised “frequently,” “recently,” and “vigorously.”
Watson supported the laws of frequency and recency; Guthrie adhered to the law
of recency, but NOT the law of frequency.
Thorndike repealed the law completely after 1930. Through experimentation, he
discovered that responses may be highly variable and that repetition does not
cause learning.
Law of Effect
Whether a connection is stamped in or not depends more on its consequences (its
effects) than on repetition.
Responses just before a satisfying state of affairs are more likely to be
Responses just before an annoying state of affairs are more likely not to be
Like Watson and Guthrie, Thorndike focuses on the S-R connection. Watson and
Guthrie were contiguity theorists, however, and Thorndike was clearly a
reinforcement theorist.
Hull repealed half of the law after 1930; responses leading to satisfying states
tend to be stamped in, but responses leading to annoying states do not tend to
be stamped out. In fact, they do relatively nothing.
Law of Readiness
Law of Readiness: Certain behaviors are more likely to be learned (stamped in)
than others
related to learner’s maturation and to previous learning
a pleasant state of affairs results when a learner is ready to learn and is
allowed to do so, but being forced to learn when not ready or prevented from
learning when ready leads to an annoying state.
Watson and Guthrie both believed that biology plays a role only in the sense
that it determines learning potential (or physical boundaries of behavior). With
Thorndike, motivation and development, as evident in satisfying states or
annoying states, also influence learning behavior.
Law of Multiple Responses
Multiple responses: in any given situation, the organism will respond in a
variety of ways if its first response does not lead immediately to a more
satisfying state of affairs
Pavlov, Watson, and Guthrie all assume that learning is inherent in an
association between two stimuli or between stimuli and response. By using the
concept of trial and error to learning, Thorndike is implying that efforts will
cease with a satisfying state has been achieved (reinforcement). For early
behaviorists, the resulting state had nothing to do with learning.
Law of Set or attitude: Learning is partly a function of attitude or
predisposition to react in a given way.
Early behaviorists of Pavlov, Watson, and Guthrie address predispositions only
in terms of biologically determined potentials and limits to learning. Thorndike
is addressing the role of culture or societal influences on “set,” while early
behaviorists focus on experience in terms of an individual. Also, Thorndike is
depending on reinforcement to stamp in a response encouraged by culture, and
early behaviorists ignore reinforcement.
Law of Prepotency of Elements
Prepotency of elements: It is possible for a learner to react only to the
significant (prepotent) elements in a problem situation and be undistracted by
irrelevant aspects of the situation.
Watson and Guthrie both focus on learning by doing, or by responding to whatever
stimuli is presented; both theorists do not identify “right” or “wrong”
responses but simply focus on the reflexive response to a given stimuli.
Thorndike’s Prepotency of Elements implies that individuals can filter through
numerous stimuli to focus only on the important aspects of a given situation;
and again, identifying “important” aspects implies a connection to outcome, an
idea inherent in reinforcement theory and not the contiguity theory of early
Response by Analogy
Response by analogy: A person placed in a novel situation may react with
responses that might be employed for other situations that are in some ways
similar or that share identical elements.
This idea has some characteristics of early behavioristic concepts but has
distinction in its “hinting” of cognition.
Associative Shifting
Associative Shifting: It is possible to shift a response from one stimulus to
This law is the premise of classical conditioning, utilized by both Pavlov and
Watson in their theories, though Watson focuses primarily on S-R association.
Learning by Ideas
This concept gave cognitive concerns like analysis, abstraction, and
meaningfulness more importance in learning.
principle of belongingness: if two or more elements are seen as belonging
together, they are more easily learned
spread of effect: when a response is followed by a satisfying state of affairs,
other related responses also seem to be affected
Cognitive aspects, to which this concept hints, were avoided in early
behavioristic theories.
S-R bonds are stamped in because of the satisfying nature of their consequences,
influenced as well by the individual’s sense of what goes with what.
Importance of trial and error, predetermined attitude, responses learned in
other similar situations, and most important aspects of a situation.
Theorizing based on informal observation, though he introduced controlled
investigations of animals and people to verify predictions.
Used vague, internal states as basis for explaining behavior (satisfying and
Significance of reinforcement, law of effect, has been long-lasting.
Contributed to practical application of things such as teaching.
Was willing to examine other views, change his thinking, and admit that much was
not explained by his theory.
Hull’s Formal Theory Building
Most ambitious of all the connectionist theorist
Most influential theorist of his time
He proposed that the ideal theory would be a logical structure of postulates and
Rather than being general ideas about learning such as Watson’s and Guthrie’s,
he wanted to be specific enough that his ideas could be tested and proven or
Hull: A hypthetico-deductive system
Hull believed science has 2 essential aspects, one being the facts, the other
being the organization of facts into a coherent, logical system or theory.
Therefore, Hull developed a hypothetico-deductive system, a system of laws
deduced logically that govern human behavior.
Entire system is based on 17 postulates from which 133 theorems and corollaries
were derived
Hull was an S-O-R theorist, a neobehaviorist.
The Four-Stage Analysis
1. Independent variables
Deprivation of (food, water, sex, etc.)
Strength of stimulation
Magnitude of Reward
Number of reinforced training trials
Work involved in responding
2. & 3. Intervening Variables
D = Drive SER = excitatory potential
K = incentive motivation SoER = net reaction potential
SHR = habit strength SIR = Aggregate Inhibitory Potential
V = Stimulus Intensity SLR = Reaction Threshold
SOR = Behavioral Oscillation
4. Dependent Variables
Speed (response latency)
Resistance to Extinction
Fractional Antedating Goal Reactions
Fractional antedating goal response is a conditioned response made before the
actual goal reaction.
This concept serves the same purpose as Guthrie’s movement produced stimuli
(MPS), but Hull’s fractional antedating goal reactions are learned with
reinforcement. The term attempts to explain what Thorndike terms “learning by
Hull was attempting to use fractional antedating goal reactions to explain in
precise, measurable terms behaviors that most people might explain using more
vague, mentalistic terms. He explained that although fractional antedating goal
responses are conditioned mechanisms, because they occur before a response, they
constitute on the part of the organism as “foresight” or “foreknowledge.”
Habit-Family Hierarchies
Habit-family hierarchies
a number of different learned responses to the same stimulus
hierarchy – one alternative is usually preferred over another because it has
been rewarded more in the past and has more reaction potential
A hierarchy of responses implies the importance of outcome. Since early
behaviorists ignore reinforcement, and thus outcome, they have no reason to
conceptualize numerous responses that are more or less preferred. Thorndike,
however, addresses multiple responses by explaining that due to trial and error,
responses will vary until one eliciting a satisfying state is given. Of course,
Thorndike is a reinforcement theorist.
clear explanation that behavior is lawful and predictable
predict output given knowledge about input; mathematical formulas are more
does reflect facts well; also makes inferences termed logical constructs (such
as reaction potential, aggregate inhibitory potential, behavioral oscillation,
incentive motivation, etc.)
intervening variables are useful within Hull’s system but not so much in
practical application
advanced psychological theory by introducing some cognitive variables
systematic experimentation and application of logic have profoundly influenced
how psychological investigations are conducted.
Hull, along with Thorndike and Skinner, is credited for popularizing and
systematizing notion of reinforcement.
Hull was personally ambitious but provided little research to support his
Education Implications of Thorndike and Hull
stressed importance of students’ attitudes, most important aspects of a
situation, and teaching for transfer
defined and established educational psychology as a field
popularized use of tests and statistical methods in education and psychology
changed child psychology into an objective discipline
Hull - popularized notion that reinforcement is centrally involved in learning
Both - Recognition of the importance of the consequences of behavior has
profoundly affected practices in schools.