Experimental Psychology

Exam I Review - Chapters 1-3, 6-8


Chapter 1:  Introduction

            Ways of acquiring knowledge (tenacity, authority, experience, reason and logic, and

                        science or empirical studies)

            The research process; Components of scientific method

            Research design (definition and components)

            IVs, DVs, and extraneous variables (be able to identify)

            Experiments vs. nonexperiments

            Replication of studies (replication with extension)


Chapter 2:  Research Ideas and Hypotheses

            Characteristics of good research ideas

            Types of statements (synthetic, analytic, and contradictory)

            Deductive vs. inductive reasoning

            Programmatic research

            Principle of falsifiability

            Hypotheses (identify and/or construct)

            Directional vs. nondirectional hypotheses (identify the direction as +, -, or 0)


Chapter 3:  Ethics Issues

            Ethical rights of human participants

            The role of deception

            APA guidelines for the use of animals


            IRB (Institutional Review Board – role and purpose)


Chapter 6:  Experimental Methods I

            Types of IVs (physiological, experience, stimulus, & participant)

Control techniques (randomization, elimination, constancy, balancing, counterbalancing)

            Counterbalancing & its requirements (within-subjects, within-groups, complete, incomplete)

            Sequencing effects; Carryover effects


Chapter 7:  Experimental Methods II

            Factors contributing to choosing participants

Programmatic research

            Single-blind and double-blind experiments

            Rosenthal effect (experimenter expectations)

            Good participant effect (participant perceptions)-corrections for yea-saying

            Best designs for culturally competent research; ethnocentrism

            Response set


Chapter 8: Internal & External Validity

Threats to internal validity (maturation, statistical regression, diffusion of treatment; interaction of testing &

treatment; instrumentation)

            Types of internal validity (face, content, criterion)

            Generalization (temporal, environmental)


            External validity