Computer Lab Assignment
“Group” refers to everyone who participated in Experimental lab on that day; could be 1, 2, or 3.
“Sub-group” refers to everyone in the small group with which you worked during the experimental lab; should contain 4-5 members.
1. Access the data from your Group’s (include everyone who participated in lab that day) experimental lab day (see website for data).
2. Conduct descriptive analyses for the following: Mean reaction time of the first trial with the non-dominant hand (again, include everyone in your Group, not just your Sub-group); include a frequency distribution and histogram in your report.
3. Using the data from your Sub-group, conduct a single-sample t-test with a DV of mean reaction time for Trial 1-pseudo-random. I will give you the population mean with which to compare your sample’s data during the computer lab.
4. Using the data for everyone in your Group, conduct a paired samples t-test with an IV of trial (1st trial-pseudo-random vs. 1st trial-fixed interval) and a DV of reaction time.
Step by step instructions on how to conduct analyses in SPSS (Statistical Package in the Social Sciences) are provided at the end of each chapter of your alternate text (Gravetter, F & Wallnau, L. - Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences). Examples of how to write results are provided in chapter 10 of your primary text (The Psychologist as Detective). I will also be available during your computer lab to help guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have.
What to turn in:
Print off the output in one document and write up the results for both t-tests as you would in an APA formatted report. Turn in both output and results at the beginning of the next class following your Computer Lab class period.