Psychology Seminar
now on, class will meet in GC 2C06!!!
are we doing?
A discussion of contemporary figures and topics in the areas of sensation
and perception, cognition and complex human learning, human development and
family studies, and/or the applied areas of industrial and educational
PSY 201, 305, and 322
is the purpose?
This course is intended to provide advanced study of several contemporary
topics in the field of psychology. Students will have an opportunity to
integrate knowledge of various areas of psychology and utilize critical
thinking skills to achieve a sophisticated awareness of several current
issues. Topics will include:
and dying
will learn to…
Articulate key concepts in the field of death and dying, drawing on
information from current research on end-of-life decision making, death
perspectives, and grief/bereavement.
Describe meaning associated with death in various religious/faith
perspectives and cultures and how this influences grief/bereavement and
end-of-life decisions.
Discuss current political implications and current issues regarding
end-of-life decisions.
Describe various family forms, utilizing current research knowledge from
human developmental and family studies perspectives.
Articulate key issues in the current debates about various family forms,
including the institution of marriage and singleness.
Identify a topic of interest and access current literature to achieve
understanding of the topic.
am I? (background, research interests, view of research)
can I be reached?
GC 2C26
10:45-12:00; 3:15-4:30
10:45-12:00; 3:15-4:30
is my background/experience?
is my perspective of teaching this class?
This Class
Attendance Policy
unexcused absences only
or leaving early = absence
Participation/Makeup Work
requires attendance and fulfilling requirements of any lab activities.
activities missed due to excused absences must be made up
within 1 week.
Course Requirements: 2 exams (100 pts. each), 1 project (125
pts.), and class participation and discussion (75 pts.) = 400 total points
Behavioral Expectations
will be communicating with you when necessary through your ORU
address. Please check it regularly!
and discussion on relevant topics is welcome!
respect your colleagues by refraining from talking while
(including me) have the floor and maintaining confidentiality.
Required Materials
is no required text for this class.
you will access a number of journal articles on various issues related to
the two major topics for the class.
must retrieve these via the links posted to the website and have them read
(in depth and with a lens of critical analysis) before the class discussion.
website for scheduled discussion topics and related articles.
Tentative Course Calendar
Introduction to course and policies
Unit 1: Death and dying
Student presentation: Death and dying, mid-term review
Mid-term (over Unit 1); Begin Unit 2: Family Forms
Unit 2: Family forms
Student presentation: Family forms, final exam review