Death and Dying
Mid-Term Review
Advanced Psychology Seminar
End of Life Decision Making
Health Care Reform
What can we really expect from healthcare reform?
The myth of the “death panel”
Consulting Physicians
How patients experience consultations with physicians regarding euthanasia and
end of life options.
What does brain death mean?
Attitudes toward brain death
Provides greater understanding of the political debates about the “Death Panel.”
Issue of organ transplantation
Marginalized Populations
Vitalism Revitalized
Disabled individuals and EOL decisions
Can disabled individuals be fully autonomous?
The Role of Religion in EOL
Religiosity and preferences for EOL care in African American and White elders
What do College Students Say?
College students' attitudes of end-of-life decision making
Weiss, G., L., & Lupkin, L. N. (2009). First year college students’ attitudes
about end of life decision making. Omega, Journal of Death and Dying, 60, 2,
143-163. doi:10.2190/OM.60.2.c
Death Attitudes
Role of religion in death attitudes
Literal religious attitudes are positively related to fear of death and death avoidance.
Fear of Death
Predictors of fear of death
More religious participants had higher fear of dead, fear of being destroyed, and fear of conscious death, whereas less religious participants had higher fear of the unknown.
Fear of Dying
How religion comforts the dying (qualitative review).
Meaning Making: Coping with Grieving and Dying
Meaning Making and Meaning Reconstruction
Mourning and meaning
Neimeyer, R. A., Prigerson, H. G., & Davies, B. (2002). Mourning and meaning.
American Behavioral Scientist, 46(2), 235-251. doi:10.1177/00027640
Meaning of Death Across Cultures
Cross-cultural perspectives of the meaning of death
Walker, A. C. (2009). Muscogee Creek spirituality and meaning of death. Omega,
Journal of Death and Dying, 59, 129-146. doi:10.2190/OM.59.2.c
Continuing Bonds and Meaning Making
Re-constructing meaning after a death loss
Additional notes
EOL Practice and Making Meaning
Making sense of loss; meaning making at the end of life
Additional notes
Theoretical Perspectives
Attachment Theory
Family Stress Theory (FAAR Model) (McCubbin & Patterson,
Dual Process Model for Coping with Bereavement (Stroebe,
Schut, & Stroebe, 1999)
Ongoing Bonds (Neimeyer, Baldwin, & Gillies, 20006)
Meaning Making (Neimeyer, Baldwin, & Gillies, 20006)
Basic Ethical Principles: The Belmont Report
The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of
Human Subjects of Research (The National Commission for the Protection of Human
Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, April 18, 1979).
Respect for persons (Autonomy – participant or patient has right to make own
choices as long as able)
Beneficience – goal to do what is in the participant’s or patient’s best
interest (Nonmaleficience – goal to avoid harm to the participant or patient)
Justice – equality and non-discrimination; risks distributed evenly and those
who experience risks should gain benefits
Mid-Term Exam
Directions: Answer each question completely and concisely. Each answer should be
a minimum of 1 page; the entire exam should not exceed 6 pages, not including
title page. Use APA format (1” margins all around, double-spaced, running head,
page numbers, title page, etc.)
Provide a comprehensive methodological critique of the death and dying
literature presented in class. Discuss the strengths and limitations of each
article in terms of sampling, data collection, and analysis. Make sure to
mention each article. (Due to time and space constraints, you will not be able
to mention every detail of all the articles; just highlight the important
aspects.) Which article(s) do you believe provided the most relevant
contribution to death and dying scholarship? Why? (Should be at least 2 pages.)
Recent studies on ORU college student bereavement have found that many students
experience negative mental health and social outcomes but do not seek help from
the institution, outside counseling, family, or religion. Why do you believe
this is the case? Explain your answer in terms of at least one of the theories
discussed in this section. (Should be at least 1 page.)
Imagine yourself 10 years into the future. You are a practicing therapist, and a
client informs you that he or she has been diagnosed with a terminal illness and
is expected to live only 3 more months. What issues to do you expect to face in
this scenario? What steps will you take in handling this client? Include the
ethical principles as outlined in the Belmont Report (1979) – beneficence, non-maleficence,
autonomy, and justice – in your discussion. (Should be at least 1 page.)
Personal Application:
What have you learned from the death and bereavement literature that helps you
better understand with your own personal losses, such as relationship break-up
or major move away from friends? How are you better (or not) equipped to cope
with these types of changes? Explain your answer. (Should be at least 1 page.)