Section 7: Non-Traditional Relationships II
Advanced Psychology
“Most scholars agree that marriage benefits individuals in ways that enhance
well-being.” (We now have contrary evidence.)
Those in romantic relationships, whether married or unmarried, living together
or apart, enjoy higher levels of well-being than those not in relationships.
This study asks the question: Does “this finding” hold true regardless of sexual
Sample: data derived from GSS, NHSLS, and CHSLS; total of 11,431 sexually active
adults residing in the U.S. from 1989 to 2002.
IVs: sex, sexual orientation, relationship status, and a few others
DVs: happiness, self-rated health
Control: age, presence of child in house, education, household income, community
Analysis: multiple regression
Married heterosexuals were significantly happier than any other relationship
status group, followed by cohabiting heterosexuals and partnered homosexuals,
who did not differ.
All 3 groups above were significantly happier than other partnered heterosexuals
and unpartnered individuals of either orientation, with the latter 3 not
significantly different.
Women in same-sex orientation and unattached were significantly less happy than
any other group.
Being younger, having more education, having higher income positively related to
health for men and women; neither sexual orientation nor partnership status, nor
interaction, did.
Men in same-sex relationships reported being in better health than both
unpartnered gay men and unmarried noncohabiting partnered hetersexuals.
Consistent with prior studies, persons in romantic relationships (with spouses,
cohabiting partners, or regular sexual partners) tend to be happier than those
who are single.
Partnered gay men and lesbians report higher levels of health and happiness than
gay men and lesbians who are single.
Partnered gays and lesbians are significantly less happy than their married
heterosexual counterparts.
Discussion Questions
Do you believe that the researchers began the study with an accurate premise,
that there is a benefit from marriage or partnering (i.e. that marriage causes
increased life satisfaction)? Why or why not?
Consider the finding about relationship status and happiness; how might you
explain this while incorporating findings from Lucas and Clark’s (2006)
longitudinal study of life satisfaction and marital status?
What implications do these findings have for gay and lesbian marriage? What
about with Lucas and Clark’s study? How might we more rigorously measure marital
satisfaction for same-sex couples?
Might these results be integrated into a Christian World View? If yes,